Super Typhoons and Styrofoams
When you buy anything "to go" the person at the counter, waiter in the resto or even the ordinary carinderia will put your food in a styrofoam. I get tired telling people-- please do not put my food in styrofoam. I do not use styrofoam. I get these stares as if I am an alien from Mars or whatever. Then I slowly explain about the growing Payatas trash that I do not want that because that is the easiest way for them to recognize why I opt not to use styrofoam. Well in fact as I hope most people know that styrofoam contributes to greenhouse gas, that contributes to global warming and thus might be causing all these super typhoons. For more expert opinion please click The Green Office . just to quote from that website: Styrofoam, or polystyrene, engenders a host of environmental and health detriments. It’s made from non-renewable fossil fuels, and its production releases the harmful greenhouse gas HCFC-22 into the atmosphere. Heavy exposure to polystyrene is linked to headaches,...